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  • How To Remove Yellow Stains From White Clothes

How To Remove Yellow Stains From White Clothes

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White clothes have an amazing vibe and styling quotient. They are often easy to pair with other pieces in your closet and give you a polished look instantly. But, the sad part is they start turning yellowish or catch yellow stains with time. So, in this article, we will share how to remove yellow stains from white clothes.

If you are tired of throwing your favourite whites because of yellow stains or you have stopped buying white because you fear these stains, stick around. After reading this blog you will no longer have to press your urge to wear white clothes because yellow stains will not be a problem. Now, let’s start to see why they occur.


Generally yellow stains occur from:

  • Armpit sweat
  • Rust
  • Yellow food or drink items

We will share some commonly available stain removers to remove yellow stains from white clothes. But before that let’s read what you should do before stain removal:

Things To Before Removing Yellow Stains From White Clothes

Read the garment care label

Check what the fabric of your garment is because stain removal techniques differ from fabric to fabric. For example, a white cotton shirt can tolerate almost all sorts of stain removers. But a silk white shirt may not tolerate heavily concentrated stain remover. You must choose the stain remover depending on the garment.

To know how to remove yellow stains from white clothes it is crucial to check whether the fabric is washable or not. So, you must check the garment care label as it carries wash care instructions. If it says ‘hand wash”, “machine wash”, or “dry clean”, then you can try stain removal at home. But, if it says “dry clean only”, it is better to call dry cleaners. Especially if you will have to rinse the garment for removing stains. You can try using dryer sheets just in case you don’t have time to get the stain removed by dry cleaners.

Carry out a patch test

Even after choosing a stain removal which is not supposed to harm the fabric of your white shirt, carry out a patch test. Apply the stain remover on an inconspicuous area of the shirt such as inside of the collar. Let it set for 15 minutes. Now closely observe the fabric. If there is any unusual reaction in that specific area, do not use the stain remover on your shirt.

Remove Yellow Stains From White Clothes Using Commercial Stain Remover

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You can buy stain removers like Vanish, Godrej Ezee etc. from your local store. They are also easily available on sites like Amazon, Flipkart, BigBasket, etc. Generally, they come in liquid form.

Apply stain remover on the stain

You can pour a tablespoon of liquid over the stained area. In case, you have a powder stain remover, you can mix 1 tbsp of powder with 1 tbsp of water and pour this mixture into the stain. Generally, there are usage instructions on the packaging, you can follow them.

Rub gently and rinse

Next, you should rub the stain gently until it vanishes or lightens. Do not be too harsh on the fabric. Then rinse it off with cold water. Repeat the process if the stain is not gone completely. Just in case the stains are too old or stubborn to leave, you can always get dry clean service. Professionals use specific chemicals and ensure 99% stain removal.

You can also try India’s No. 1 dry cleaning service to get rid of yellow stains.

Remove Yellow Stains From White Clothes Using Homemade Stain Removers

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Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda and Salt


Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing agent which can be used as a bleach in laundry. You can easily find a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide (which is ideal to use in the laundry) at drug stores or pharmacies near you. It is generally used as a first-aid disinfectant.

Both hydrogen peroxide and baking soda have stain-lifting abilities. Hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the stain. And baking soda has a mild alkaline element which removes grease and oil which are the main causes of a lot of yellow stains. It has a crystal-like structure which makes it easy for baking soda to enter the fibres of a fabric. 

The last ingredient salt is also abrasive. It is easy to scrub the stain with salt and remove deposits of oil that create a yellow stain. 

Caution: Do not use oxy bleach or hydrogen peroxide if you are dealing with a sweat stain as it can make the stain settle permanently.

Now let’s see what you will need:

  • 5 cups of baking soda
  • 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide
  • 5 teaspoons of salt
  • Bowl (To mix all the ingredients) 
  • Soft-bristled brush/ Toothbrush (to scrub stains)


Mix all the ingredients using a spatula or spoon and use it as follows: 

  • Dampen the stained area with clean cold water. 
  • Apply the stain remover paste onto the yellow stains. 
  • Let it sit for 20-30 minutes. 
  • Take a brush and scrub the stains gently.
  • Keep doing this until the stain vanishes. 
  • Launder the garment as usual.

Pro tip: In case the stain is too tough, you can let hydrogen peroxide soak into a stain overnight. The longer hydrogen peroxide stays on a stain the better it works. Repeat the process listed above the next day.

Dish Soap, Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda

We have already explained how hydrogen peroxide and baking soda can effectively remove yellow stains from white clothes. You can refer to the above section to read this in detail. 

In this section, we have tweaked the ingredients of stain remover slightly. You will have to use dish soap instead of salt.

Because dish soap isn’t just for the kitchen. It is a good stain remover, hence, it can work in your laundry room as well.

Now let’s see what you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon liquid dish soap or ½ tablespoon dishwashing powder like Vim
  • 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide
  • 1 cup of baking soda
  • Bowl (To mix all the ingredients) 
  • Soft-bristled brush/ Toothbrush (to scrub stains)

Here is how you can make and use a stain remover with these ingredients:

  • Mix dish soap and hydrogen peroxide in a bowl.
  • Apply this mixture on the yellowed area or yellow stain using a brush.
  • Sprinkle baking soda over the stained area
  • Let all these ingredients soak into fabric for 1 hour
  • Use the brush to scrub baking soda on the stain gently
  • Keep doing this until the stain vanishes
  • Launder the garment as usual

Just in case you don’t have time to try any of these methods at home, you can rely on professionals.

White Vinegar, Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide & Salt

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Vinegar is about 5 per cent acetic acid which is not harmful to most washable fabrics. Moreover, you should always dilute the vinegar with water unless there is a tough stain to remove.

To read how baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and salt can remove stains properly, refer to the above section.

Let’s see what you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of white distilled vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide
  • ½ tablespoon of baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon of salt

Here is how you can use this stain remover to remove yellow stains from white clothes:

  • Mix all the ingredients to make a thick paste.
  • Apply the mixture on the stain using a brush.
  • Let the garment soak your stain remover for 10-15 minutes. In case the stains are too tough or old, leave the clothes overnight.
  • Rinse the mixture with clean cold water.
  • Launder as usual

You can also use bleach to remove yellow stains from white clothes.

Once you have removed yellow stains from white clothes, give it some extra bright and fresh effect. Dry them under direct sunlight. Because sunlight gives a natural bleaching effect to white clothes. There are several other benefits of sunlight for clothes.

In case the stains have an odour, you can use fabric deodorizers while washing clothes. For more such tips on stain removal, washing and taking care of clothes, keep reading our blogs.

In case you want professional services to remove stains from your white clothes, try our dry cleaning service. We promise you will get the best results. 

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